What is this thing?
Dungeon Corp is a fictitious company ​that is part of the Mitthal fantasy realm created by author Jonathan Allen, visualized and brought to life by Art of Dewa.
Dungeon Dives are live action fantasy entertainment shows hosted by Dungeon Corp. Each season, watch a different team of adventurers test themselves to see if they have what it takes to have their names and faces etched in the Hall of Champions. Before you ask...No, we have not been doing this for over 20 seasons. The context of the stories required Dugeon Corp and Dungeon Dives to be an established thing. We started with season XXIII as the first one brought out of the Dungeon Corp network to share with you fine people of the innerwebz.
Who's responsible for this?
Sam Shields
Sam has been the voice of Dungeon Dive for over 15 seasons now. The best play by play man in the business will call the action for season XXIII.
We're excited to bring Zebe-bo back for his fifth season at Dungeon Dive. His insights as an ex-Diver add the perfect level of flair to Sam's call.
Art and Design
Nara from Art of Dewa is a real person who has been a professional illustrator for over six years. She specializes in fantasy and gaming characterization and concept art. Her talent and enthusiasm for the genre has brought life to the characters in Dungeon Dive.
See samples of her work here.
Author and Producer
Jonathan Allen is also an actual human who writes the stories and produces the content posted here and on our social media outlets. He has been an avid gamer for longer than you have been alive, and revels in the opportunity to share those experiences with you, like it was a nice hot bath on a cold, winter's night in Sweden.